Terms and Conditions

WARNING: Skips are not to be filled beyond water level. Our drivers are forbidden under Health & Safety at Work, Road Traffic, and Litter Acts to remove overloaded skips.

The following information and the terms & conditions are legally binding. Please read carefully before accepting delivery of a skip or confirming an order online. Thank you for choosing Ace Skip Hire.


  • Driver Restrictions: Our drivers are absolutely forbidden under health & safety at work, road traffic & litter acts to remove overloaded skips. Skips should not be filled beyond water level. Relevant authorities, including An Garda Síochána, must be notified of such an occurrence.
  • Hire Period: The hire period is for a maximum of 4 days (unless otherwise agreed). Notwithstanding the foregoing, it may take up to a maximum of 7 working days for the Company to collect the skip after being placed on the collections list. Please understand this before ordering a Skip as due to the nature of the business, we cannot guarantee exact days/times. There are no additional costs to the Hirer in such cases, but the contractual agreement and its conditions remain in place until the skip has been removed.
  • Hirer’s Responsibility: It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that the contents of the skip are not loaded or stored in a manner which is likely to give rise to litter. This responsibility remains with the hirer until such time the company removes the skip. Please do not accept delivery of skip if unwilling to accept this responsibility. i.e. The Hirer/Agent shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions of sections 3(1), 3 (2), 4(2), 6(1) and 6(4) of the Litter Pollution Act 1997 during the period of hire and will indemnify the Company against all fines, damages, costs and expenses howsoever arising by reason of the breach or non-observance of all or any such provisions howsoever arising.
  • Visibility and Compliance: The Company holds the Hirer or their agent responsible to ensure that the skip is clearly visible during hours of darkness and complies with any local authority bye-laws/regulations. Lights should be placed on skips during hours of darkness.
  • Termination of Hire: Hiring period may also be terminated on the instructions of a member of An Garda Síochána or any other authorised official. The company will not reimburse the Hirer/Client for any losses incurred in such an event. • Please satisfy yourself that you have adequate insurance to cover skips whilst on hire to you. • Skips are placed and removed on/off private property i.e. driveways, entirely at the risk of the Hirer.  N.B.   The combined weight of a skip/vehicle can be up to 17.5 tonnes. Most residential ground surfaces are designed to accommodate light vehicles, please bear this in mind when seeking to have skips deposited on same. Hirer must bring to the attention of the driver any hazards on the property i.e. manhole covers, utility cables, overhanging trees etc.
  • Insurance and Risk: Please satisfy yourself that you have adequate insurance to cover skips whilst on hire to you. Skips are placed and removed on/off private property (e.g., driveways) entirely at the risk of the Hirer. The combined weight of a skip/vehicle can be up to 17.5 tonnes.
  • Cancellation Policy: The company operates a strict 24-hour cancellation policy.
  • Prohibited Items: NO SOIL, NO RUBBLE, and no hazardous or liquid waste can be accepted. Here are some of the items which we cannot accept. Batteries; Gas Cylinders; Household Batteries; Fluorescent tubes/lights; Paints or empty paint tins, Thinners, Oil etc.; Microwaves/Cookers TVs/Computer Monitors; Washing Machines; Dishwashers; Fridges/Freezers or any CF Gas Container; Animal remains or carcasses; Contaminated Soils; Rubble; Tyres; IT Equipment; Medical Drugs; Hazardous hospital waste (including sharp containers); Chemical waste Septic Tank Waste; Pressurised waste (fire extinguishers); 
Asbestos; Soil rubble or bricks 
N.B. please note that these are only some of the items not suitable for acceptance. For further clarification, please contact the Environmental Protection Agency (www.epa.ie), or your local authority.

Ace Skip Hire  (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)


1. General 
  All contracts made by the Company shall be deemed to incorporate these terms and conditions; no variation or addition to them shall form part of any contract unless specifically accepted by the Company in writing, and they shall override and take the place of any other terms and conditions in any document or other communication used by the buyer in concluding the Contract with the Company.

2. Payment   
a) The price of the goods or services provided shall be the company’s price ruling at the date of dispatch. 
b) If any sum owed by the buyer to the Company should be overdue for payment, the Company may withhold any goods or services due for dispatch to the buyer under any contract without prejudice to the Company’s rights and the buyer’s liability under such contract. 
c) In the case of all goods hired, the higher price will be payable upon ordering the hired goods to the customer. 
d) The Company reserves the right not to collect hired goods (including in particular, waste disposal skips and containers) until full payment has been received by the Company of the hire price. in the case of delay in collection caused by failure to make full payment, further, hire charges will be levied at the Company’s normal daily hire rate for such goods. 
e) We take payment from your card when we process your order and have checked your card details. Goods are subject to availability. If we are unable to supply the goods, we will inform you of this as soon as possible. A full refund will be given if you have already paid for the goods.  
f) If you enter a correct e-mail address we will send you an order acknowledgement e-mail. These are not order confirmations or order acceptance from us. 
g) Unless we have notified you that we do not accept your order or you have cancelled it, order acceptance and the creation of the contract between you and us will take place at the point the goods you have ordered are to be delivered to the address you have given us. It does not take place until that stage, even though we may have debited your card (see (e) above) or we have sent acknowledging e-mails (see (f) above). 
h) If an error is discovered in the price of the goods you have ordered, we will inform you and issue a full refund as soon as possible. We shall be under no obligation to fulfil an order for an item that was advertised at an incorrect price. If the item(s) has been charged and not dispatched, we will cancel and refund your order.

2.1 Our Strict Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of Skip 24 Hours in Advance by calling us on 01 912 5050 or emailing us on [email protected] alternative Re-Arranging another date for delivery. 

For orders cancelled less than 24 hours before delivery there will be a €50 fixed charge this is non negotiable.

3. Delivery   
a) Should the Company be delayed in or prevented from making delivery of the goods or services due to war, strikes, lock-outs, fire, floods, explosion, labour disturbances, trade disputes or shortages in raw materials or due to any other cause whatsoever beyond the control of the Company, the Company shall be at liberty to cancel or suspend the order without incurring any liability for any loss or damage arising therefrom. 
b) The Company shall not be liable for any damages, discrepancy or shortage in the goods sold or hired unless the buyer notifies both the company and the carrier within 48 hours of the time of delivery of the goods. 
c)  The customer will in all cases indicate either in advance or at the time of delivery, the location on-site where delivery is desired, and in default of such indication, the Company shall be entitled to deposit the skip wherever the Company shall deem most suitable and convenient, but without any liability or responsibility to the customer or any third party arising out of the Company’s choice of such location of delivery. 
d) The Company at all times reserves the right to refuse delivery of the goods at any particular location wherein the opinion of the Company, danger or risk will be created thereby, being in particular, a risk of danger or injury to third parties. 
e) The Company reserves the right to refuse delivery to any location or site where such a delivery would be contrary to any law or bye-law in force. 
f) The Company reserves the right at the date of creation of any contract for hire, to require prior production and sight of a suitable public liability insurance policy indemnifying the hirer in respect of any third party claims that may arise out of the use of the goods on hire by the hirer.  
g) Where the equipment is placed (whether by the Company on the customer’s instruction or otherwise) on a highway footpath (whether public or private) or any public place, the customer shall be absolutely responsible, therefore, for the siting and lighting thereof, for obtaining all necessary permissions and licenses (including those under the Highways Act) and for ensuring observation of the terms and conditions thereof. 
h) The company at all times reserves the right to refuse delivery of the goods at any particular location where in the opinion of the Company, a danger risk will be created thereby, being in particular, a risk of danger or injury to third parties,

4. Duties of Hirer/Customer – Damage to Equipment   
a) The buyer or hirer as appropriate will be liable to take all reasonable care of equipment including inter alia, bins, compactors, balers and all other equipment in the buyer’s/and or hirer’s custody, and shall be liable for any damage howsoever caused to the equipment arising from the loss, neglect or default caused by the buyer/hirer or their agents. 
b) The buyer and/or hirer shall not rely upon any representation concerning any goods supplied unless the same shall have been made by the Company in writing. 
c) The Company shall be under no liability for any loss or damage however arising, resulting from the use or conversion of the goods by the buyer, and the buyer shall indemnify the Company in respect of any claim by a Third Party for loss or damage resulting as aforesaid. 
d) The customer will use waste disposal skips and containers only for the disposal of suitable materials, and will not seek to deposit hazardous or toxic waste in the said skips and/or containers. 
e) The customer shall not overload any such skip or container and the Company reserves the right to refuse to remove or collect such skip or container in the event of overloading or for other good reason, and the decision of the Company shall be final in this regard. 
f) The customer shall have full responsibility for ensuring that hired goods are adequately lit during lighting-up hours and that they shall not pose a hazard or danger to any Third Party. 
g) The Customer shall not move any waste disposal skip from the point of delivery by the Company.  
h) The Company shall have the right to remove hired goods including waste disposal skips and or containers without prior consultation with the hirer/customer and without any liability arising out of the same save that the Company will reimburse to the hirer/customer the proportion of hire relating to the period of such early collection. 
I) Where the equipment is placed (Whether by the company on the customers instructions or otherwise) on a highway footpath (whether public or private) or any public place, the customer shall be absolutely responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions and licenses (Including those under the highways act) and for ensuring observations of the terms and conditions thereof. 
J) The company shall not be liable for any damages to surfaces, manholes, walls, or property, caused by company vehicles or equipment while on the buyers premises and the buyer will indemnify the company in respect of a claim by a third party for loss and damage resulting as aforesaid.

5. Indemnity
 The hirer/customer shall be responsible for all expenses involved arising from any breakdown and all loss or damage by the Company due to the hirer’s negligence, misdirection or misuse of the plant, whether by the hirer or his servants and for the payment of hire at the appropriate idle time rate during the period the plant is necessarily idle due to such breakdown, and the hirer shall be responsible for any liability arising out of the positioning and/or use of the said goods during the period of hire.

6. Retention of Title Clause 
a) Notwithstanding delivery, the property and goods intended to be sold shall remain with the Company until payment for the goods has been received in full. 
b) Notwithstanding (a) above, the risk in the goods shall pass to the buyer upon hirer delivery (i.e. Ex-works or as otherwise specified in the contract).  
c) The Company shall not be liable for any damage to surfaces, manholes, walls or property, caused by the Company vehicles or equipment while on the buyer’s premises, and the buyer will indemnify the Company in respect of any claim by a Third Party for loss or damage resulting as aforesaid.

7. Rights of Access

The customer authorises the company to enter any land or premises where we reasonably believe equipment to be, in order to inspect, repair, replace or repossess it. 

8. Law  These conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed by Irish Law.